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Lynnet Njeru

Lynnet Njeru

  • 37 Articles


Lynnet is a professional writer with passion for producing informative and thought-provoking content. Her goal is to help clients create pieces that convert- from words to traffic to income.

Lynnet's Profile:


New Era of AI in Financial Planning

AI deploys advanced machine learning algorithms that go deep into big datasets and hence provide insightful patterns for making better financial decisions....


10 Prompts on ChatGPT to Take Your Business to New Heights

ChatGPT can be your secret arsenal to ideate, create high-impact content, and optimize operations....


The Rise of AI in Film Production: Beyond Special Effects

These days, the role of AI has gone way beyond that of visual effects. Tools such as IBM's Watson have been used to create movie trailers. ...


Beyond Panels: How Solar Innovations Are Changing the Renewable Landscape

From solar films that wrap around curved surfaces to the transparent solar glass integrated into skyscrapers, innovations in the field of solar energy not......


How to Spot Red Flags on Dating Apps: Keeping Your Online Dating Safe

Online dating apps bring a spectrum of great opportunities but they’re also associated with risks in the forms of scams, catfishing, and disturbed or toxic......


The Psychology of Online Dating: Why We're Drawn to Certain Profiles

Everything, from the profile photos to bio catchphrases, carries powerful psychological cues in a dating profile. ...


Dating After 40: A Guide to Online Dating for Mature Singles

Online dating is an excellent way of getting to know new people, building great connections, and maybe even finding long-lasting love....


GoPro for Beginners: How to Film Like a Pro Without Fancy Equipment

Small, sturdy, and versatile, these cameras let even a first-time filmmaker shoot professional footage without investment in huge and highly expensive cameras....


The Luxury of Illusion: Why Your 'Investment' Bag Won't Pay Off

The myth of a handbag as a sound financial investment is starting to crack, and many buyers will find that the treasures they own may not hold the value they......


From Helicopters to Free-Rangers: What Kind of Parent Are You?

Whether you’re taking your maiden voyage into the waters of parenting or you are a seasoned professional at the task, there is no "one-size-fits-all."...


Surviving the Holidays with Your In-Laws: A Newlywed's' Guide to Sanity

Each holiday comes with its own special brand of challenges especially when the in-laws enter into the picture....


The Power of Daily Habits: How Everyday Routines Affect Your Dream Quality

Sleep is not about resting; it's a remarkable biological process of restoration that targets both body and mind....
