Uhuru Kenyatta vs. Raila Odinga: Who Will Lead the African Union? An In-Depth Analysis

Mnetizen Website

Discover the intriguing battle between two Kenyan heavyweights, Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga, as they vie for the prestigious position of African Union (AU) Commission chairperson. Dive into their diplomatic prowess, continental networks, and the political dynamics that could shape Africa’s future. Read this speculative article to understand why either leader could emerge as the next AU chairman.

As the African Union anticipates a leadership transition, attention shifts to two influential Kenyan personalities: Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition Chief Raila Odinga. Both names have been proposed for the prestigious role of AU Commission chairperson—a position that wields significant influence over the continent’s affairs. In this article, we explore the factors that could propel either Uhuru or Raila to emerge as the next AU chairman.


The AU Commission chairperson is a critical role within the organization. The office holder acts as a bridge between member states, facilitates diplomatic relations, and plays a pivotal role in shaping Africa’s political, economic, and social landscape. The outgoing chairperson, Moussa Faki of Chad, has steered the AU through significant challenges, and now the mantle awaits a new leader.

Uhuru Kenyatta: A Diplomatic Stalwart

  • International Diplomacy
Uhuru Kenyatta’s tenure as Kenya’s president was marked by active engagement in international diplomacy. His participation in peace negotiations, climate change forums, and global summits has positioned him as a respected statesman.

  • Experience and Networks
Having led Kenya for two terms, Uhuru brings a wealth of experience. His extensive networks across Africa and beyond could prove invaluable in fostering cooperation and addressing regional issues.

  • Neutrality
The AU chairperson must remain neutral in political contests across the continent. Uhuru’s track record suggests that he can navigate complex political landscapes without bias.

Raila Odinga: A Seasoned AU Veteran

  • Previous AU Service
Raila Odinga has served in the AU before, giving him firsthand knowledge of its workings. His experience as Prime Minister of Kenya and his involvement in continental peace initiatives make him a compelling candidate.

  • Vast Continental Network
Raila’s connections span Africa. His relationships with other African leaders, including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu, could enhance the AU’s effectiveness.

  • The Ruto Factor
President William Ruto’s administration plays a crucial role in endorsing AU candidates. If Ruto backs Raila, it could significantly alter Kenya’s political landscape and impact the 2027 presidential race.

The Intriguing Dynamics

  • The Bi-Partisan Talks
Rumors suggest that a deal to have Raila replace Faki was discussed last year. International players, including ex-Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, were involved in mediating tensions between Ruto and Raila.

  • Musalia Mudavadi’s Role
Should Raila’s candidature gain momentum, it would require official championing by Musalia Mudavadi, Kenya’s Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign Affairs boss.

  • Uhuru’s Silence
While Uhuru Kenyatta fits the bill, he has not been officially approached by the current government. His acceptance to drop his candidature in favor of Raila remains speculative.


As the AU prepares for its next chapter, the choice between Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga will shape Africa’s trajectory. Whether it’s Uhuru’s diplomatic finesse or Raila’s continental experience, the AU Commission chairperson will wield significant influence. Only time will reveal who emerges victorious in this intriguing race.
