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What is Cyber Hygiene and Why Is It Important?

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In this article, the concept of Cyber Hygiene will be explained, including its need and some practical tips to keep your digital life secure and your personal information safe.

With our computers, smartphones, and the World Wide Web now helping us out with just about everything, online safety suddenly becomes a great deal more important.  Just as good hygiene is fundamental to physical health, good cyber hygiene will be of equal importance to keeping us safe in cyberspace. What is cyber hygiene, and why should you care?

In this article, the concept of Cyber Hygiene will be explained, including its need and some practical tips to keep your digital life secure and your personal information safe. Regardless of whether one is an experienced user or just now getting acquainted with the internet, good cyber hygiene is all about knowing and using the best ways to stay safe and confident on the internet.

What is Cyber Hygiene?

Cyber hygiene is defined as practices that make your online activities secure and private information confidential. Just like there are special routines aimed at their health and hygiene, for example, brushing of teeth and washing of hands, cyber hygiene too has routines that will protect you online.

Why is Cyber Hygiene Important?

Cyber hygiene is paramount. Our lives are getting increasingly linked with technology and, by extension, with the internet. This connectivity has a lot of advantages but also opens the floodgates to many avenues of risks. Here are reasons why cyber hygiene is important.

1. Safeguard Your Personal Information

We upload so much information about us on the net daily.  This is inclusive of our details like names, home addresses, telephone numbers, and even credit card details. If this information falls into the wrong hands, it can then be used for reasons that are not good. Hackers might use your personal information to steal your identity and serve the internet using it. Some of these activities include online shopping, scamming people, or visiting websites you wouldn't.

Good cyber hygiene minimizes theft risks. The simple ways through which this information may be guarded against the indigo viewers include avoiding the use of sensitive information in places that are not secure and use of strong passwords.

2. Prevention of Identity Theft

Identity theft is when somebody else uses your information in an unauthorized way to commit fraud or any other crime. Identity theft can cause huge harm to a person, for example, financial losses and credit history damage. In the worst case scenarios, the identity thief may open accounts in your name and even make purchases excluding you, hence bringing more troubles and stress.

Good cyber hygiene practices like monitoring your finance accounts regularly and practicing caution while sharing personal information, help protect against identity theft. Keeping your digital "house" safe just ensures your identity will not fall into the wrong hands.

3. Scams and Phishing

Still, fraudsters find their way of cheating people for personal information and, even worse, money. One of the most popular in this regard is phishing; fraudsters send fake messages and emails that appear to be from some real bank or popular website, just to draw out your information.

Good cyber hygiene will help evade scams and phishing. To avoid scams,  beware of unsolicited messages, keep away from malicious links, and verify the legitimacy of any form of communication before you make any attempt to respond or release information.

4. Keep Your Devices Running Smoothly

Of course, your computers do need a checkup once in a while to function well, just like smartphones and tablets. Updating works the same as how cars need a change of oil or how a house needs cleaning so everything will work correctly.

This will involve installing operating system updates, using antivirus so that your device remains free of malware, and frequently checking on your device for hitches that may affect its operation. These practices will keep your devices updated and free from malware.

5. Protect Your Personal Information

The whole idea of digital living is hinged on one thing, who sees or reads all your private information? Considering how much private data is shared online today, protecting your personal information I more important than ever.

Good cyber hygiene provides ways through which your privacy can be protected. You should manage the information you share and who you share it with. Protecting personal information involves enabling different levels of privacy settings within applications and websites that you join.

How Can You Practice Good Cyber Hygiene?

We have seen why it is a problem; let us catch a glimpse of the few practical steps one can apply to it. Here are a few very simple tips that will get you off and running:

1. Use Strong Passwords

Setting a password is one of the easiest and most powerful ways one uses to safeguard an online account. A good password should be one which other people cannot easily guess. It must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Remember to avoid using anything about you that could be easily guessed by others, such as your name or date of birth.

Let the password manager generate it for you and store it in the database. Nowadays, a password manager can generate complicated passwords, and later on you need to remember only one of them.

2. Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication can be termed as some additional security to one's accounts. When it is enabled with 2FA, it requests someone to enter something else other than the password requirements. Such could be a code sent to your phone. This way, even with someone knowing your password, it would be quite hard for them to let him have access to the account.

Enable two-factor authentication on any site and service that will allow you to do so. This is a pretty painless thing to do, and it does a great job of really enhancing the security of your account.

3. Beware of Emails and Links

It majorly comes through emails and messages that seem genuine to the naked eye, while the major intention is that of misleading one into divulging information about oneself. Be wary of unsolicited emails or messages especially those that would make one click on something or provide sensitive information.

Also, verify whether the sender's email address is genuine. Watch out for other phishing signs and symptoms spelling and/or grammatical errors and some form of request that is abnormal. If suspicious call the organization directly using the phone number that you know is valid and reliable to validate authenticity.

4. Keep Your Software Up to Date

Software updates are very important since they ensure your gadgets are secure. Quite a number of these updates have patches for different kinds of vulnerabilities that hackers may want to make use of. Ensure from time to time you check for updates regarding the operating system, applications, and antivirus software, and install them the very moment they appear.

Updated software protects your device from recent threats as well as provides you with recent features and enhancements.

5. Data backup

These allow for the facility of backup, in such a way that in case something goes wrong, one will not lose important files and information. One may use either an external hard drive facility, cloud storage services, or both together. Regular backups will make sure that one accesses them in those cases when your gadget might be stolen, gets lost, or even gets damaged.

Automatically back up your data wherever possible, and now and then, check if the backup is indeed done effectively and if your data can actually be retrieved.

6. Antivirus Software

Antivirus software protects your devices from malware. Malware refers to programs intentionally developed to affect your device negatively or even steal your information. Avail good antivirus software on your devices and keep it updated.

Run regular scans for threat detection and removal. Some antivirus programs have additional protection like firewalls and phishing protection, these will generally enhance your security.

7. Be Careful What You Post Online

Be very discriminative about what you place on social networking sites and other web pages. None of your personal information about yourself should identify you or enable others to correctly guess the answers to your security questions. It is also best to not tell your location or any other personally identifying information about yourself that can be used against you in any way.

This can be done by limiting who sees personal information and posts through the privacy settings on your social account. You will need to go back and revisit those settings from time to time so that they can remain in your best interest and follow all measures of security.

Common Cyber Hygiene Mistakes to Avoid

Of course, there are several common pitfalls when it comes to cyber hygiene. The sections below discuss how to avoid some of these common pitfalls.

  • Using the Same Password on Different Accounts: Using the same password across multiple accounts is probably in the top five of the big mistakes people make in security. Of course, once one of these gets hacked, all your accounts are. So, to ward this off, you will want to have different passwords with each of your accounts. Be sure you have some type of password manager that keeps track of that myriad of passwords.
  • Ignoring software updates: Sometimes we fail to update our software either because we are busy or we do not see the immediate need for it. Software updates often contain major security fixes. Therefore it is important to make it a habit to check for and install updates regularly to keep our devices updated.
  • Clicking on suspicious links: It is very easy to get curious or click on interesting links whereby malware infection can be acquired, or one's information attempted in a phishing manner. Always investigate a link before clicking on it, and be leery about visiting any websites with which you are unfamiliar.
  • Reusing Old Passwords: This is highly dangerous, especially in cases where an older password is compromised. Change your passwords often and make them strong and unique for a given account.


Cyber hygiene may not be a daily concern, but most of the functions involved have a really important outcome to make sure that your digital life is safe and secure. Just by applying a few of those practices passwords, two-factor authentication, and familiarity with recent threats personal data will be kept private, you will avoid scams, and your gadgets will function smoothly.

Good cyber hygiene is just as vital to your online safety as good physical hygiene is to your health. Make these tips part of your daily routine, and your digital "house" will remain safe, enabling you to take full advantage of the Internet with minimized risks.

Remember, good cyber hygiene is not just about protection-it's about contributing to a safer online community, too. It means you have to be in that continuous state of vigilance and information that will help make the internet a better place for others, too. Keep safe out there, and keep your cyber world in the best shape!

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