Why Impulse Purchases Can Subotage Your Success

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This Blog Addresses The Issue of Impulse Buying and How That Can Affect an Individual's Success.


Beware the Shiny Object! What is Shiny Object Syndrome?

Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) is a phenomenon where individuals or businesses are constantly drawn to new ideas or stimuli. It’s like being mesmerized by a shiny object—something captivating catches your attention, and suddenly, your focus shifts away from what truly matters.

Why Entrepreneurs Are Prone to Shiny Object Syndrome

Entrepreneurs, in particular, are susceptible to SOS. Here’s why:
  • Abundance of Ideas
Entrepreneurs often have a surplus of ideas. While creativity is a gift, it can also lead to distraction. Too many options can pull you away from your core goals.

  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Entrepreneurs fear missing out on the next big thing. The allure of novelty can override rational decision-making.

  • Unfinished Projects
SOS manifests as a trail of unfinished projects—half-read books, incomplete online courses, unused software tools, and abandoned business ventures.

  • Network Marketing Temptations
Entrepreneurs may explore multiple network marketing opportunities, hoping for quick success.

The Problem with Shiny Objects

  • Loss of Focus
When you chase every shiny opportunity, your attention fragments. Your core business suffers, and progress stalls.

  • Self-Sabotage
Conveniently discovering new “must-have” things can be a form of self-sabotage. It distracts you from facing real challenges.

7 Ways to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome

  • Face Up to Your Problems
Assess whether your current business feels stale. Are you subconsciously sabotaging progress by chasing shiny distractions?

  • Challenge Yourself
To move forward, step out of your comfort zone. Don’t let shiny objects divert you from your true path.

  • Set Clear Goals
Define your priorities and stick to them. Shiny objects lose their luster when you’re laser-focused.

  • Evaluate New Opportunities
Before diving in, ask: Is this part of my journey, or is it a distraction? Be discerning.

  • Learn from Failures
Like J.K. Rowling, Arianna Huffington, and Richard Branson, embrace failure as part of your growth.

  • Mindfulness
Practice mindfulness to recognize when SOS strikes. Pause, breathe, and assess before impulsively chasing the next shiny thing.

  • Accountability
Share your goals with someone who can hold you accountable. Accountability keeps you on track.

Having knowledge of how impulse buying can arrest your success is not enough. It is also important to point out how to deal with this issue especially for those people who have been struggling with the matter over the years. 

Here is a detailed approach on how deal with the issue of impulse buying that might apply to everyone in Kenya.

  • Create a Monthly Budget and Stick to It
A budget is your financial roadmap. Allocate specific amounts for different categories (groceries, entertainment, clothing, etc.). When you stick to your budget, you’re less likely to veer off into impulse-buy territory1.

  • Fun Money Fund
Set aside a small amount each month for fun splurges. This way, you can indulge without guilt. Just remember, once the fun money is gone, it’s gone—no dipping into other categories1.

  • Cash Is King
When heading out to shop, take a limited amount of cash. Leave the cards at home. When the cash runs out, your shopping spree ends too2.

  • Pause and Reflect
Before making a purchase, pause. Ask yourself: Do I really need this? Will it add value to my life? Give it a few days. Often, the initial excitement fades, and you’ll make more intentional choices1.

  • Shop with a Plan
Make a list before hitting the stores (physical or online). Stick to what’s on the list.


Success lies in staying committed to your core vision. Don’t let shiny objects lead you astray. Instead, stay focused and do not let your eyes off the prize at all times.

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