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Working tips that can spur your business

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here are great working tips that can help you better make your business thrive and achieve your business vision.

  • The ultimate customer care.

Today money may be more a motivating factor than mediocrity in determining whether a player stays or goes. In today’s world of huge contracts and long term deals, poor performers can stay while the head coach gets fired. Strange isn’t it? As long as a team is winning, things are great. But watch what happens when a team hits the skids. Attendance drops, loyal funs grow unruly, even the hot dogs taste bland. Someone has to take the blame. You would think the fans would turn on the performers, the ones running the plays. Yet more often than not it’s the head coach who takes the fall. Did you catch that shift in the loyalties? When the team is winning people say, ‘the players are great’, when the team is losing people complain, “we need a new coach”.

  • Excellence as a life style in the market place.

The pursuit of excellence is the hallway of any business seeking perfection and quality orientation is the proven path to rise to the top. In today’s competitive market place, extending customer service is essential to the survival of any company or business. This will ensure that customers are not only happy and satisfied but convinced that they had an outstanding experience-the “Wow” factor, which they would not have gotten with any other company. This will provide the foundation for fundamental business strategies, serving to shape and strengthen the company's relationships with its employees, customers, team members, suppliers, shareholders, and with the community. 

  • Turning ordinary people into extra ordinary performers

Forest fires that are started by natural causes as opposed to someone tossing a lit match into the bush can clear out dead trees and undergrowth that keep new trees and plants from reaching their full potential. Could some of the fires you spend so much time dousing actually be better for your business in the long run if you simply let them burn themselves out? Will you utilize your team members in areas that will free you up to focus on core strengths and activities? Who on your team is best suited to fight fires? Who can save as a fire captain, realizing that fighting fires is an entrepreneurial task?

  • Restoring and investing in order latest 

Are you tired of being overwhelmed and thwarted by your disorder? Have you tried all the latest quick tips and products to control clutter but to no avail? Too often, we seek immediate gratification and expect instant impact for our organizing efforts. We take the time to absorb the organizing truths, principles and strategies before you race to make changes in your environment and your efforts will make a lasting impression.

  • Change management

Our fast paced world has a skewed view of organizing that values speed and impact. The problem with this approach to organizing is that the results don’t last very long. Authentic organizing is a process, not an activity. It’s an organic discovery process that enhances your self-awareness and helps you create systems that work with your lifestyle. Because organizing is a process, not a quick fix, you will have to dedicate time and resources to the process. You don’t make a front end investment without dedicating time to study it.

  • Before you quit-equip yourself for opportunity

Preparation is as necessary in the professional workplace as it is in the trades. We know that prepared professionals who plan ahead tend to do better in presentations and win more big accounts than the unprepared. Organized and efficient professionals earn raises and praises as their credibility increases and their colleagues vest more trust in them. On the other hand, workers who are poorly prepared tend to lose out on professional opportunities and earn more criticism than praise. The organized and the prepared employee maximize each product and earn more opportunities for work in the future. Are you prepared or attentive and ready for action? Are you honoring your boundaries and making yourself available when you are prepared? Reclaim both your personal and professional life by applying the preparation principle.

  • Unleashing the potential in your sales team

For your customer, a buying decision usually means a decision to enter into a long-term relationship with you and your company. It is very much like a "business marriage." Before the customer decides to buy, he can take you or leave you. He doesn't need you or your company. He has a variety of options and choices open to him, including not buying anything at all. But when your customer makes a decision to buy from you and gives you money for the product or service you are selling, he becomes dependent on you. 

  • Effective public speaking and presentation skills

“Good morning? My name is Steve. I’m here to talk about the budget for 2010 and here is my first slide….Blah, blah, blah. Are there any questions? No? Well, then, uh, thank you” Yawn. Does the above litany sound familiar? Perhaps my biggest battle with clients is over the business of their business presentations. For some reason, they have a tendency to reject the notion of a detailed, focused introduction and conclusion. Yet, once they try this time-tested technique, most people agree that they both sound more convincing and feel more confident. So, in case you hold views similar to those of mine or, if the voice of your business school communication professor no longer echoes in your brain, you are a great looser.

  • Dress code

While it's true that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression, you do get 20 chances to make up for it - if you are lucky. Research shows that it takes another 20 further experiences with somebody to change a first impression. Subsequent experiences are of course largely determined by that first impression, so it behooves you to know how to capitalize on that 5-7 second window of opportunity. The advantage someone has in getting what they want if they are in touch with what their appearance communicates to others is sizeable. What people see during that quick 5-7 seconds of scanning formulates a perceived truth that they subconsciously seek to match against additional information that you voluntarily provide, or that they soon discover? Why fashion fails us? We let the fashion industry influence the choice of business clothes. Your appearance is your qualification. In the world of business, appearance is a powerful communicator. Repeating an old cliché, “You have only one chance to make a first impression”.
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