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Introduction to the ruby programming language.

Unlock the power of ruby with our comprehensive tutorial. master ruby programming from basics to advanced concepts, ensuring a thorough understanding of this versatile language. start your journey today!

Discover the art of mastering Ruby and utilizing its potential to craft extraordinary creations.

In this kickoff chapter, prepare to be introduced to Ruby – the rockstar of programming languages. I'll spill the beans on why Ruby is my digital crush, guide you through the install party on your computer and get it strutting its stuff so you can start building Ruby empires. Stick around till the end, and you'll be flaunting new knowledge like it's the latest tech accessory.

Why Ruby?

I've been on a programming rollercoaster for over a decade now, and in 2017, I decided to take Ruby out for a coding dinner date. Well, folks, it was love at first 'puts'! Ruby turned out to be the caring partner I never knew I needed—syntax stress? Gone! More time coding, less time arguing with semicolons. It's like a code romance where bugs are just a lovers' spat. So, after this tutorial, get ready to update your relationship status to 'In a committed relationship with Ruby.'

What is Ruby?

Ruby, a gift from the coding gods, is an open-source language – that means it's like the town buffet, free for all! Crafted by a squad of brilliant minds, it's the programming language that keeps on giving. But wait, there's more!

With Ruby as your digital paintbrush, you're not just drawing stick figures. Oh no! You can create a smorgasbord of applications, from the classic to the avant-garde. Feeling fancy? Dive into the world of dynamic web applications, and there, my friend, lies the allure of Ruby on Rails. It's like the stylish cape that Ruby wears for web magic.

Here's the secret sauce: To ride the Rails smoothly, you'll want to dance with Ruby first. Think of it as mastering the tango before hitting the ballroom – understanding Ruby is the key to unlocking the full potential of the dazzling Rails framework. So, gear up, coder! Ruby's waiting, and the web's about to get a whole lot more interesting

Websites Thriving on the Power of Ruby

  • All in one go to destination for travel,news,e-commerce,ed-tech and sports.
  • A popular destination to watch TV shows and movies online
  • A video game-viewing site that was acquired by Amazon
  • A popular learning platform
  • A great entertainment site
  • A tool that analyzes news and financial data, providing users with valuable insights into the world of finance.
  • a leading Git repository, GitHub provides a global platform for developers to host their code and engage in collaborative coding adventures

Setting up Ruby on your computer

Gear up for the coding adventure! Before we dive into the world of programming, let's buckle up and get Ruby installed on your system. I've got the ultimate guide for you, whether you're rocking Windows, Mac, or Linux. And hey, if you're not into local installations, no worries – I've got some cool alternatives too (though I must say, installing Ruby on Ubuntu is where the real magic happens)!

Getting Ruby: Dashboard for Ruby Language

  1. If you are using the Ubuntu operating system, here is a special link to install ruby:

  1. If you are using the Windows operating system, follow these steps:
  • Go to
  • Click on the Download Ruby button
  • Select your preferred version from the list – I suggest going for the latest stable one. Clicking on any of these links will trigger the installer, and you'll be all set to roll.

  1. If you're using macOS, Ruby is already installed on your system.

Creating and running ruby file.

As you embark on your journey of learning a new programming language, witnessing your program's output is crucial. This guide is applicable in various environments, be it an online REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) setting, such as our variable lesson, or in the Unix Terminal. Simply type 'irb' to launch an interactive Ruby session and explore the wonders of your program's results.

Use this link to install our recommended sublime text: Elevate Your Coding Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide to Install Sublime Text on Ubuntu. if you have sublime installed and ahead and :
  • Open the editor
  • Go to files
  • Choose new file
  • Save the file with .rb extension. 

Printing to the Ruby console.

Let's explore various options for printing messages to the Ruby console. Our first technique involves using the 'puts' method. Check out this example:

Employing the 'puts' Command

puts "Yes, you have Ruby!"

I created a file called ruby_example.rb, with the above line of code in it.

Next, go to your Terminal (make sure that you're in the same directory as your Ruby file, in our case Desktop) and run the file with the following command:

ruby ruby_example.rb

That's the lowdown on installing Ruby! With it all set up, you're now poised to dive into the exciting world of crafting Ruby programs

Mastering Ruby Variables: Unleashing the Power of Data in Your Code
Next Tutorial Mastering Ruby Variables: Unleashing the Power of Data in Your Code