Asking for a Friend, I promise: A Gen Z Entrepreneur- the Founder

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"Before you are a leader, success is about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is about growing others." -- Jack Welch. "

Is a person truly an entrepreneur, when all they did was click a button and the rest of it was automated? If they built the hardware, software, and automation themselves? Then in my eyes, it's clearly entrepreneurial. But if another created the machine and they used it, are they really an entrepreneur?

Having produced and directed many TV shows exploring and exposing advanced tech and innovation positively, I am clearly bullish on our technologically supercharged future. But let's be honest with ourselves, machines, automation, robots, and computers, whilst giving us certain abilities, take away many natural human functions that are fundamental to the cognitive abilities and needs of a human being.

According to a new study, over-usage of technology severely damages the brain systems connecting emotional processing, attention and decision-making. The findings link technology overload to anxiety, severe depression and suicide.

People worry about robots taking our jobs or taking over completely, but I worry about humans generally becoming disadvantaged, lazier, dumber and unhealthier as a consequence of having advanced technologies.
As Garry Kasparov, the first Chess Champion to lose to a machine once said "We need better humans, not less technology"

Where does true entrepreneurship lie when everything becomes automated and rests with the founders of those technologies?

Humans are highly adaptive and innovative, and we will adapt to the sharp integration of technology and machines into our world, but it's fundamental that we remain one step ahead of the machines, keeping in the know and always stepping up to do the hard work.

The key to a sustainable and successful future is to ensure we synergize and synchronize with machines, and nurture our natural abilities, hone our strengths, exercise our bodies and our minds, and not become complacent to exterior technological capabilities and resources.
Thomas Edison's formula "Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration" is still correct today. Even though the machines may end up doing 90 of the manual labor, it doesn't mean we can rest on just 10 percent inspiration.

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