Treasury Bonds Vs, Shares in Kenya


This Blog Looks at The Differences Between Treasury Bonds and Shares in Kenya With The Aim of Guiding Interested Investors.


Safe and Steady vs. High Risk, High Reward: Treasury Bonds vs. Shares in Kenya

Investing wisely involves understanding the trade-offs between safety and potential returns. In Kenya, two popular investment options are Treasury Bonds and Shares (also known as stocks).  These two investment options often comes first in the head of anyone willing to invest their money wisely. However, without proper knowledge and understanding of the two, it is so easy to make a mistake which might end up costing you. This is why it is essential to adequately research about these two options before putting your money in any, here are some facts about them.

1. Treasury Bonds

  1. Safety and Stability: Treasury bonds are issued by the Kenyan government and are considered low-risk investments. They offer a fixed return over a specific period which could range from one year to 15 years.
  2. Predictable Income: Treasury bonds provide regular interest payments which act as a steady income stream.
  3. Tax Benefits: Interest received from Treasury bonds is exempt from both federal and state income tax which makes them appealing for higher tax bracket investors.
  4. Liquidity: These bonds are highly liquid which allows investors to sell them without complications or significant delays.

  1. Low Yields: Treasury bonds typically offer lower yields compared to other investments.
  2. Inflation Risk: While they provide safety, inflation can erode the real value of returns over time.
  3. Opportunity Cost: Choosing Treasury bonds means forgoing potentially higher returns available elsewhere.

2. Shares (Stocks)

  1. High Returns: Shares have the potential for significant capital appreciation, especially in growing companies.
  2. Ownership: Investing in shares means owning a piece of the company, allowing you to benefit from its success.
  3. Diversification: Shares allow you to diversify across different sectors and companies.
  4. Dividends: Some companies pay dividends to shareholders which provides additional income. 

  1. Volatility: Share prices can be highly volatile which might in some cases result in losses. 
  2. Market Risk: Economic downturns can impact share prices.
  3. No Fixed Income: Unlike bonds, shares do not guarantee regular income.
  4. Higher Taxation: Dividends and capital gains from shares are subject to taxes.

Choosing between Treasury bonds and shares depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance and investment horizon. If you seek safety and steady income, Treasury bonds are a good choice. However, if you’re willing to take on more risk for potentially higher rewards, consider investing in shares. However, before starting with any of the two options start by consulting a financial advisor to align your investment strategy with your individual needs and circumstances