The Double-Edged Sword: The Internet's Impact on Culture, Good and Bad

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Explore the transformative power of the internet on global culture with our in-depth analysis. Discover how digital connectivity shapes traditions, impacts education, and challenges cultural diversity. Join us in examining the balance between technological progress and cultural preservation for a harmonious future.


The argument about broadband internet or any platform for the expansion of digital services provides content to the circumstances that make it unnecessary to set and sustain sub-national obstructions to direct live television and several types of reverse conduct as either unrelated or sufficiently appropriate in meeting either their promotion goals. In those capabilities, how can Bar remove public or institutional policy fully enough to address where promoted diversity comes from?
Out of the relationships between communication technology, regulation, and consumption coordination, the arrangements in functioning radio markets, which prescribed from the 1920s, promoted the development and quick ballooning of the vast American audience of consumers.

Up to 1920 in the Act, a number of ad hoc trials in mobile voice transmission ultimately transitioned to telephone distribution poles by the early year 1940 according to the United States of America legislation. Thanks in part to the Grand Alliance-led activity during the second world war, picture phones then were advertised from shore to the military community through the whole transmission process, until not before the late seventies of the twentieth century when a standardized video-phone attachment to the telephone lines known as the juryrig appeared in the market. The comparatively few Sunday circuits before the system was taken off the air for a few weeks had so much discussions that it was difficult to get a good, clean transmission throughout it’s several thousand miles. Whenever these premises of integrated communication have been found, they have been seen not to bear further implication for the future of the distribution process.
As now or during on going discussion by the FCC the barriers to providing accommodation for live radio has posed difficult solutions for this to be solved this problem then radio could at the same time both be offered as a one way communication service and at the same time being open to operate as a two way communication setup among an established spot. As for radio, there was a question of investment: in the form of money spent to acquire one, an aspect both of which encouraged massive investments and consumption patterns.

We are not much further advanced in the development of the internet as a medium than were the radio waves in 1901 when Guglielmo Marconi ‘transmitted dawn till dusk’ from Poldhu, England to Signal Hill, New Foundland. For broadcast communication, particularly the mobility of speeches and entertainment predominantly among already formed stable stations, it was adequate to rely on expectations and precedents of the broadcast communications. But a paper of the period also said this: I do not think the system will be very beneficial in most cases save for the fact that real-time conversations are occasioned by participants who, in essence, are in place primarily to speak.
It’s time for new configurations of subjectivity because what the internet offers is the possibility of reaching preselected others who cannot necessarily be in the immediate physical presence of the individual; and multiple points of control for transactional systems that are at once domestic and global. As such, it has a world wide appeal, enables the participation of numerous other parties in Internet related actions and holds a lot of potential for enhancing the quality of life of the users.
Internet is a substantially new and global means for communication, which is providing both a repository of resources and nearly boundless opportunities for constructing extended communities, so delivering different new prospects for cooperation, education, and socialization. In our internet generation, we experience its freedom, which allows people to access information without restriction, support content from any creators, and be a platform for free speech, which is good not only to the people who use the internet but also to our society.

Background and Significance

The capabilities of computers, fiber-optic and satellites convert the vehicles for mere dissemination of culture in a kind of a paragon of reliability, well-annotated and filtered stability shaping devices, embodying and transmitting the best of a national culture, moral and political values into a sort of a mass culture that is socially constructed and reconstructed or simply dismissive of the usually stable transnational environment in which it now happily operates. Internet that is the electronic mirror of the real world and as such can be also considered as an electronic library, has become a substitute and complement for the decayed traditional system that suppressed every cultural standard and delivered the sterile and lifeless messages of the standardized culture truth and beauty for all cultural minority. It has initiated, at least, its incipient impact on the traditional American cultural philosophy concerning cultural hermeneutics, essence, symbolism, history, proprietary rights over cultural products, and seeking non-communicative/ non-speech related ideologies within current speech doctrines taught in applied cultural speech liberation and the doctrines expressed in various EU & UNESCO human rights instruments on new cultural media freedom that has necessitated re- examination of legitimate bounds of censorship laws.

The technological structures are a constitutive factor in a cultural system and the development of the technological framework not only responds to the nature of other structures but also defines the kind of institutions, norms, and standards of conduct, of the cultural system in question. Internet as an allegory of the real one is a socializing environment to which hundreds of millions of people expose themselves. The specific human context to which one is connected through the network promotes learning, testing, exploring for solutions, ideation, and innovation, without which familiarization with purportedly reliable sources and their interpretations suffices. The internet is a double-edged sword: on the one hand, it could be a source of producing positive new type of cultural minorities and on the other hand, it could result in eradicating cultural entities and forms of civilization. It is hard to imagine clear or even persuasive reasons for the internet to be a theatre for many of the outstanding issues emerging under cultural paradigms but when controversies are substantive, gainsaying narratives or disputes complicate the analysis let alone resolution processes.

The Positive Impact

In many ways the internet is responsible for being a cultural mediator. They have also helped in passing and conserving the endangered languages and traditions and giving them a universal life through digital spaces. For example, through platforms such as the YouTube, indigenous peoples have been able to share cultural music and dance amongst others with the outside world. Lastly, the internet has influenced education by allowing one to easily access cultural literature and historical document; for instance, there are free eBooks in Project Gutenberg concerning cultural and literature. 

The Negative Impact

On the same note, the internet also has its role in imparting and contributing to the erosion of culture. Due to the proliferous influence of Western media on the internet, local content is sometimes left unseen, thus introducing a monoculture to the world. For example, fast-food joints of global companies’ marketing strategies have an impact on the tendency of eating in the region eradicating traditional dishes. In addition, the propagation of misconceptions can prove to be disastrous especially for cultural relations. Some of the general effects include the use of fake news during election, which may change the perception of people on certain cultural values.


 With culture today standing on the juncture of the past and the advent of the new ensuing age of the internet, one cannot minimize or deny the influence of the internet. It has been embracing and disruptive on the same measure by drawing the question on the reproduction of the culture in a of interconnection. If we, the people, manage to make proper use of internet and ensure that it is inclusive for all and genuine then internet is one of the greatest inventions for the cultural good. Thus, embracing and encouraging multiculturalism as well as encouraging the critical thinking, we should make sure that Internet becomes not just united platform of globalization but also protection of the exceptional perfections of cultures for further generations.
Hence, as the future reveals itself, Culture coupled with technology’s growth will remain evident. An innovation that disrupted the previous era of the entertainment and creative industries as well as education and interaction, the Internet is becoming an essential component of cultural advancement and cultural heritage. In this large but paradoxical landscape, our dilemma is an identity one: How do we tell a story that links anew our historical selves with a future that permits both cultural continuity and the creation of a diverse, culturally vital society?
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