George  Chahale

George Chahale

  • 137 Articles


Chahale George is an avid content writer and author with over six years experience. I have a knack for creating well reaserched and highly informative content that i seek to use to empower my audience. I write on different topics which include:Health,Politics,Finance,Agriculture,Science Current Affairs and many more

George 's Profile:

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How to quit alcohol: a practical guide to freedom

This blog looks into some of the proven ways that people can use to quit alcohol and stay healthy....

© Mnetizen Co-pilot

Why mental wellness is key to a fulfilling life

This blog talks about the importance of mental wellness in living a fulfilling life in the African continent. It further assess some of the benefits that com......

© Mnetizen Website: Co-pilot

Conquering the money game: how financial literacy can unlock africa's pottential

Financial literacy is a critical factor in unlocking Africa’s potential for economic growth and development. ...

© Google Shutterstock

Cancer screening: the benefits and challenges involved

This blog looks into the essence of cancer screening as a measure of dealing with the cancer disease and some of the challenges involved in this vital health......
