George  Chahale

George Chahale

  • 133Articles
  • 26 Hot


Chahale George is an avid content writer and author with over six years experience. I have a knack for creating well reaserched and highly informative content that i seek to use to empower my audience. I write on different topics which include:Health,Politics,Finance,Agriculture,Science Current Affairs and many more

George Articles:

© Getty Images

Building your real estate empire: how financial literacy paves the way

Learn how financial literacy can help you break through in your real estate business and deliver success to you....

© Unsplash

Transforming your heart of the home: essential considerations for a kitchen upgrade

Learn about some of the most important things you need to consider before carrying out an upgrade on your kitchen...

© Shutterstock

Financial literacy: your lifeline after a job loss

Learn how financial literacy can save you when you lose your job and have to manage your little finances to survive...

© None

Conquering the foes: a kenyan guide to managing common crop diseases in your home garden

Learn about how to manage crop diseases in your garden and how you can deal with that to flourish your garden plants....

© Alamy

Cultivating your kenyan paradise: a guide to home gardening costs

Learn how you can create your own home garden at home and grow it to your desired levels. ...

© Freepick

Building a brighter future: how financial literacy leads to increased savings and investment

Learn how the issue of financial literacy can bring about positive change resulting in a brighter future in the end. ...

© Instagram

The role of government in regulating the internet in kenya

Understand the role the government plays in regulating internet in Kenya. ...

© Dtl Infra

The race for undersea cables: how they shape the global internet

Learn how undersea cables are going to shape global internet in the coming days....

© shutterstock

The rise of 6g: ushering in a transformative era for the internet

Learn how the rise of 6G internet is going to transform the internet in the coming days. ...

© iStock

The untended oasis: dangers of leaving your home garden unattended in kenya

Learn how an unattended to garden in your home cab be a source of a nuisance leading to problems. Explore ways you can use to attend to your garden and get it thriving and flourishing....

© Alamy

Taming the jungle: restoring order to your overgrown kenyan home garden

Learn how you can deal with the problem of overgrown plants in your garden to keep it in a good condition. ...

© Alamy

Cultivating a paradise indoors: a guide to indoor gardening in kenya

Learn the basics of an indoor garden and how you can incorporate one in your home for enhanced appeal. ...

© Good housekeeping

Protecting your paradise: strategies for effective pest management in your garden

Learn how you can handle the problem of pests in your garden and retain it in the best healthy condition forever. ...

© Adobe Stock

Cultivating your dream garden: choosing the perfect plants for your space

Learn how to choose the best plant that are harsh weather resistant for your garden in Kenya. ...

© Alamy

From ornamental to edibles: a guide to incorporating vegetables into your garden

Learn how you can incorporate edible fruits in your beauty garden at home to make it more appealing. ...

© Alamy

Turning the tide: strategies to combat consistent plant death in your garden

Learn how you can deal with the issue of drying up plants in your garden and keep your garden in the best condition. ...

© Alamy

Reimagining your garden: a guide to transforming your outdoor space

Learn how you can go about transforming your garden turning it into one of the best gardens in your area....

© Shutterstock

Why you should take financial advice with great care

Learn why and how you should carefully consider the financial advice you are given for optimal financial benefits. ...

© Gettyimages

The ripple effect: understanding the financial impact of sickness

Understand the potential long term and short term effects of illnesses on financial independence on a person. ...

© gittyimages

Reinvesting for growth: smart strategies for using your savings in your small business

Learn how you can use your small savings to invest in your small business and grow to high levels. ...

© Facebook

Mastering the maze: choosing the best short online course in kenya

Learn about how you can choose the best short courses in Kenya to add to your education and become more competitive in the job market. ...

© None

Demystifying the magic: what makes a good wi-fi network.

Understand the best criteria you can use to choose the best Wi-Fi for your internet needs. ...

© None

Demystifying wi-fi: choosing the perfect connection for your browsing needs

Learn how you can choose the best Wi-Fi that will allow you to achieve your browsing needs with ease....

© None

Beyond the bundle: why monthly data plans might not be your best option

Learn how and why monthly data bundles might not be the best choice for you after all. ...

© None

Taming the slowdown: a kenyan guide to manual internet speed optimization

Learn you can deal with the problem of low internet speeds and expedite your browsing. ...

© None

Navigating the negativity: what to do when you're bullied on social media

Learn how you can apply yourself when bullied online to stay out of trouble and enjoy your browsing experience. ...

© None

Conquering the kenyan web: a guide to enhanced browsing experiences

Understand how you can enhance your browsing experience in Kenya any time you take to the web. ...

© None

Data on a dime: extending the life of your mobile data bundle

Learn how you can prolong your data bundle and buy yourself a long time of browsing and online experience. ...

© None

Unveiling quality: a guide to choosing top-tier appliances for your home

Learn how you can choose the best appliances for your home by prioritizing quality more than anything else. ...

© None

Mastering the art of phone communication: elevate your phone etiquette

Learn how to master the art of communication specifically phone etiquette which is very important in the current world. ...

© None

Giving electronics a second life: responsible disposal and repurposing of old tech

Learn what you need to do with those old electronics in your house that are occupying a lot of valuable space....

© None

Extending the lifespan of your electronics: a guide to longevity in a disposable world

Learn how you can prolong the life of your electronics and use them for many years to come. ...

© None

The domino effect: how poor financial decisions ripple through the economy

Learn how bad financial decisions in individuals affect the economy negatively resulting in poor economic growth....

© None

The crucial shield: why penetration testing is essential for businesses in today's digital age

Learn the importance of penetration testing services in a company and how that can guarantee cyber security to you and your organization....

© None

Building your nest egg: top long-term investments for new employees

Learn about some of the long term investments you can choose as a starter employee and use them to build your wealth gradually....

© None

Black tax: balancing family responsibility and building financial freedom

Learn how you can dodge black tax and grow yourself financially and achieve your goals in life. ...

© None

The key you didn't know you were missing (unlocking its potential through seminars)

Learn about some of the benefits that hide in financial seminars and how you can leverage them to become financially free....

© None

Plugging the leaks and hitting the high notes: how bands can achieve financial freedom

Learn how keeping your expenditure low can help you achieve financial freedom and work towards your goals. ...

© None

Demystifying durability: how to determine the life expectancy of electronics before you buy

Learn about some of the determinants you can use to gauge the life expectancy of electronics before purchasing them....

© None

Plugging the leaks: how to stop financial drain and boost your company's output

Learn how you can stop all the financial leakages in your company and boost your company output significantly. ...

© None

Top challenges you are likely to face when starting a company in kenya

Learn about some of the challenges facing starting companies in Kenya and use that knowledge to navigate those challenges. ...

© None

Bridging the gap: conquering language barriers on your holiday

Learn how you can overcome the issue of language barrier on your holiday and achieve the best holiday for yourself regardless of your language. ...

© None

Taking your furry friend further: the ins and outs of traveling overseas with your pet

Understand how traveling with your pet while heading out on holiday can impact your holiday either negatively or positively....

© None

Bon voyage on a budget: a comprehensive guide to financial planning for vacation travel

Understand how financial planning can deliver an amazing holiday to you and give you a moment of your lifetime. ...

© iStock

Facing the unthinkable: a guide to navigating false allegations after arrest

Learn what you need to do in case you are arrested and taken into custody on completely false accusations. ...

© iStock

The time machine of finance: unveiling the power of time value of money

Learn the principles of time factor of money and how your time affects your money and why you need to work on that. ...

© iStock

The power of privacy: why keeping your life private is essential in today's world

Learn how you can tap into the full benefits of privacy and use that to navigate the challenges of the current world. ...

© None

Before you borrow: essential considerations before taking a business loan

Learn about some of the considerations you need to put in mind before taking a business loan....

© None

Building a fortress: why treasury bonds deserve a place in your investment portfolio

Learn how and why you need to invest in treasury bonds and why that might just turn out to be the best decisions you ever made....

© None

The path to pro: mastering the art of forex trading

Learn how you can become a top rated forex trader that will make the most out of your daily trades. ...

© Unsplash

Standing out from the crowd: a guide to unleashing your uniqueness

Learn how you can stand out from the rest by identifying what makes you unique and working on that to make it better....

© Unsplash

What you need to know about being a witness in court

Understand what you need to know about being a witness in court and how that can affect you. ...

© Unsplash

A guide to your rights during an arrest

Learn about what you need to do in case you are arrested by the police for no apparent reason or in case you get arrested and the police decline to tell you the reason for your arrest....

© Mnetizen Website : Co-pilot

Mistakes that can derail your insurance claim settlement

Understand some of the mistakes that can cost you your insurance claim with your insurance company. ...

© Unsplash

What to do if your insurance claim gets rejected

Learn what you need to do should you find yourself in a situation where your insurance company declines to settle your insurance claim....

© Mnetizen Website : Co-pilot

The main causes of miscarriage

Learn about some of the common causes of miscarriages in women and how they can mitigated to save on more lives....

© None

Taming the tempest: effective strategies for handling a rude adolescent child

This Blog Looks Into How Parents Can Tame Rudeness in Their Adolescent Children. ...

© Unsplash

Cash is the king: the advantages of physical currency in a digital age

Take a look at some of the benefits that come with using cash to make payments over the use of mobile money in digital age ...

© None

The crucial first minutes: best first aid for a heart attack victim

Learn about some of the best first aid treatments you can administer to a heart attack patient and help save a life....

© None

The silent strike: early warning signs of a heart attack you shouldn't ignore

Learn about the early signs of a heart attack and how you can avoid that in time to help avert a tragedy....

© Mnetizen Website: Co-pilot

Mastering the social media marketing: a guide to effectively leverage your business

Learn how you can leverage social media for your business and use it to reach the furthest client on your market niche....

© None

The allure and the limits: why agribusiness might not be the promised land

Understand how and why agribusiness might not be the best way to go in Kenya and to some extent not the best alternative to formal employment. ...

© None

Dog bidog btes outside the compound: a comprehensive guide to protecting yourself and your rights

Understand what you need to do in case your neighbors dog bites you outside of their compound....

© None

Deportation fundamentals: understanding the process and your rights

Understand the fundamantals of deportation from America and what you can do to avoid finding yourself in such a position....

© Unsplash

A business plan: compass for every entrepreneur's journey

Understand why and how a business plan is the guiding light for every aspiring entrepreneur and how it can make the difference between success and failure for every business person....

© Mnetizen Website: Co-pilot

Strategies to overcome financial weaknesses

Learn you can rise above your financial weaknesses to become financially independent and achieve your goals in life....

© Mnetizen Website : Co-pilot

Strategies for securing your green card

Understand some of the most proven and time tested strategies you can use to land a green card and move to America for your dream life....

© iSotack

Making your money work for you

Understand how you can make your money work for you and make immense returns while you are seated or doing things that please you most....

© Unsplash

Fintech revolution: how technology is transforming finance

Understand how fintech is transforming both corporate and personal finances and how you can use it for your own financial gain....

© Unsplash

Cryptocurrency demystified: understanding the digital revolution

This blogs helps you to understand the whole issue of cryptocurrency and how that is shaping the financial digital revolution....

© None

Considering the financial impact of buying a car with a loan

Want to get a car loan, first look at the financial impact of buying a car with a car loan and how that is likely to impact your finances going into the future....

© None

Beyond the hype: uveilling the challenges of electric vehicles

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Possible Challenges That Are Likely to Come With Electric Vehicles That Everyone Must Watch Out For....

© None

Thriving as a single mum: hacks for balance, joy, and success

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Best Ways Single Mums Can Use to Live a Happy and Fulfilling Life....

© Mnetizen Website : Co-pilot

Essentials for owning an electric vehicle

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Most Essential Considerations Anyone Must Keep in Mind Before Owning an Electric Vehicle....

© None

Beyond the screen: exploring the challenges and drawbacks of online education in kenya

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Drawbacks That Come With Online Learning in Kenya....

© None

The melody of recovery: exploring the therapeutic benefits of music

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Known Benefits of Listening to Music and How That Can Impact an Individual's Health....

© Mnetizen Website: Co-pilot

How social media is aiding infidelity in relationships

This Blog Looks Into The Role Social Media is Playing in Infidelity in Relationships ...

© Mnetizen Website : Co-pilot

What to do if you suspect your spouse of infidelity

This Blog Seeks to Guide Married People on What They Need To Do Should They Suspect Their Spouses of Infidelity....

© None

Are german shepherds good pets? pros and cons

This Blog Looks Into German Shepherds As Pets And Whether They Are Good Pets or Not....

© None

The debt management zone: everyday traps that can drain your wallet

This Blog Seeks To Inform Kenyans of The Possible Debt Traps That Can Drain Their Wallet That They Must Stay Away From. ...

© None

Considering the financial impact of buying land with a loan

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Financial Impacts of Purchasing Land With a Loan ...

© None

A guide to selecting the ideal location for your business in kenya

This Blog Looks Into The Issue of Business Location Identification and How to Find The Best Location For Your Business....

© None

Taking back control: practical steps for healing from trauma

This Blog Addresses The Whole Issue of Trauma and How Anyone Suffering From This Condition Can Self Recover From It....

© None

Are you holding yourself back? signs of a weaker mentality

This Blog Addresses The Issue of a Weaker Mentality and Some of The Visible Signs That Anyone Can Use To Tell If They Have a Weaker Mentality or Not....

© Mnetizen Website: Co-pilot

Why you are failing at your savings and how to fix it

This Blog Addresses The Issue Perennial Failed Savings Attempts In Some People and How to Fix That Trend....

© Mnetizen Website : Co-pilot

Why impulse purchases can subotage your success

This Blog Addresses The Issue of Impulse Buying and How That Can Affect an Individual's Success. ...

© None

Secure future: prepare for retirement now in kenya

This Blog Looks Into Some of Proven and Reliable Ways People Can Use to Secure Their Future After Retirement....

© None

Nightmares no more: strategies to conquer bad dreams and reclaim restful sleep

This Blog Looks Into the Sleep Life of Some People Especially Those Who Encounter Nightmares and How to Overcome Them....

© None

Deciding between animal husbandry and crop production for your farm in kenya

This Blog Seeks To Help Farmers in Kenya Decide Between Crop Farming and Livestock Keeping in Kenya....

© None

A guide to planning and thriving in agriculture after retirement in kenya

This Blog Looks Into The Whole Issue of Venturing Into Agriculture After Retirement in Kenya And What Everyone Should Know About the Same....

© None

The startup struggle is real: common challenges every new business faces in kenya

This Blog Looks Into Startup Business in Kenya, The Challenges They Face and How to Overcome Them....

© None

Exploring the pottential health perks of a vegan lifestyle

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Benefits of Embracing a Vegan Lifestyle and What You Need to Know Before Getting Into This Kind of Life. ...

© None

How paybill payments are transforming m-pesa in kenya

This Blog Looks Into The Contribution of Paybill Transactions in The M-PESA Transformation in Kenya....

© None

Save smarter in kenya: why saccos might be a better fit than banks

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Benefits That Come With Saving With Sacco Compared to a Bank in Kenya. ...

© None

Beyond the brunch pics: spotting the subtle signs of a fake high roller

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Tale Tale Signs of People Who Live A Fake Life....

© None

Love without limits: strengthening your marriage journey through childlessness

This Article Looks Into How Couples Can Cope With Life and Carry On With Their Marriage Amid Childlessness....

© None

Want to change your job? here are essential steps to consider before you quit

This Blog engages People Who May Want To Change their Current Job. It's a guide on How To Prepare For Job Changes and Some of The Mistakes You Should Avoid During This Process. ...

© Mnetizen Website: Co-pilot

Debt demolition plan: crush your debts and breathe easier

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Proven Ways People Can Use to Stay Out of Debt....

© None

How to deal with suspicion of an office affair

This Blog Explores Ways Anyone Can Use to Cope With an Office Love Affair Suspicion....

© None

Why overdependece on ecommerce can cripple a business

This Blog Looks Into Some of The Downsides of Over-dependence on eCommerce on Businesses....
