Evelyn Njeri Mwangi

Evelyn Njeri Mwangi

  • 35Articles
  • 21 Hot


I am a passionate and skilled content writer with a knack for creating informative and engaging content that resonates with target audiences. I possess a strong understanding of SEO best practices and the ability to tailor writing styles to fit various content formats and project needs.

Evelyn Njeri Articles:

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Procrastination and laziness: their difference and connections

Procrastination and laziness are common experiences many of us encounter. While they might seem similar, they're actually quite different. Procrastination means putting off tasks we know we should do, while laziness is more about not wanting to do any...

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Mastering workplace confidence: 20 behaviors to avoid

In the workplace, projecting self-confidence is not just attractive, it's a basic aspect of achieving professional success and progress. However, navigating the complexities of office dynamics and interpersonal interactions can sometimes pose challeng...

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10 effective ways to detox your mind for improved well-being

In this article, we'll explore ten effective ways to detox your mind, along with the compelling reasons why you should prioritize this essential aspect of self-care....

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The science of attraction: what draws us to others

In this article, we will delve into the science of attraction, exploring the underlying mechanisms that influence our perceptions, preferences, and behaviors in relationships....

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Mindful eating: how to cultivate a healthy relationship with food

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the principles of mindful eating, practical strategies for incorporating it into daily life, and the numerous benefits it offers for overall health and well-being....

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16 indicators of future success: signs someone is going to have a successful life

While success is subjective and multifaceted, certain characteristics have proven to be consistent indicators of future triumphs. in his article, we will into 16 key signs that suggest an individual is on the path to success in life....

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Finding hope in times of trouble: biblical verses for strength and courage

This article explores a selection of powerful biblical verses that can serve as an anchor during turbulent times. We will delve into passages that offer comfort, courage, and the unwavering promise of God's presence....

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Car detailing tips: diy techniques for keeping your car looking new

Keeping your car looking fresh and pristine doesn’t always require expensive professional detailing services. In this article, we will share Do-it-yourself car detailing tips that are not only affordable but also simple. ...

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A comprehensive guide: 15 godly ways to prepare yourself for a fulfilling marriage

Marriage is a sacred covenant that requires dedication, selflessness, and a strong foundation built on faith and love. In this article, we'll explore fifteen godly ways to prepare yourself for marriage, drawing on biblical principles and wisdom to cul...

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Embracing hygge: the danish art of coziness explained

Hygge, pronounced "hoo-gah," is a Danish concept that has been gaining popularity worldwide. It is a lifestyle trend that encourages individuals to embrace the simple pleasures of life and find joy in everyday moments. In this article, we will explore...

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Finding work life balance in a fast paced world: tips and strategies

In today's fast-paced world, finding a work-life balance can be a challenging task. With demanding careers, family responsibilities, social obligations, and personal pursuits, it can be difficult to juggle everything without feeling overwhelmed....

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Embracing your flaws: the beauty of imperfection

Embracing imperfection is a powerful and therapeutic act that can help individuals cultivate self-acceptance and inner peace. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of imperfection and how to rise above it. ...

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Dating apps decoded: how to find genuine connections

Dating in the digital age has brought about a new era of matchmakers, with dating apps leading the way. In this article, we will explore the world of dating apps, decode their inner workings, and provide tips for finding authentic relationships....

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Unlocking your creativity: tips for an inspired life

Unlocking creativity is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. Creativity is not just for artists, writers, or musicians but is an essential skill for everyone to have....

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The art of compromise: balancing needs in a relationship

Compromise is a crucial element in any relationship, be it personal or professional. It is the art of finding a middle ground, where both parties can agree and work towards a common goal....

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Finding love and happiness: dating in your 30s

Dating in your 30s can be a unique experience compared to dating in your 20s or later in life. By this age, many people have established their careers, have a clearer idea of what they want in a partner, and may have more life experience under their b...

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First date dos and don'ts: tips for making a great first impression

In this article, we'll explore the essential dos and don'ts of first dates, from dressing appropriately to avoiding controversial topics. We'll also look into the proper etiquette to help you create a successful first date....

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Understanding your love languages: strengthening your relationship

Understanding your love languages can be a key to strengthening your relationship. Love languages refer to the different ways people express and receive love....

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Navigating long distance relationships with ease: tips and tricks

Navigating long-distance relationships requires communication, trust, and a willingness to make it work. It's important to establish clear expectations and boundaries from the beginning and to have regular check-ins to ensure that both partners are on...

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The role of technology in modern agriculture: advancements and impact

Technology has had a significant impact on modern agriculture, completely transforming the way farming is conducted. Over the past few years, the agriculture industry has seen some major transformations as farmers have eagerly adopted new technologies...

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Maximizing crop yields: tips for modern farmers

Modern farmers face many challenges when it comes to maximizing crop yields. From unpredictable weather patterns to soil degradation, many factors can impact a farmer's ability to produce a successful harvest. However, with the right strategies and te...

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From farm to table: exploring the local food movement

The farm-to-table movement has been gaining momentum recently. More people want to know where their food comes from and how it is made. ...

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10 sustainable farming practices every farmer should know: a comprehensive guide

In this article, we will explore ten sustainable farming practices that every farmer should know. Sustainable farming practices are becoming increasingly important as the world's population continues to grow and food security becomes a pressing issue....

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Dating trends of 2024: the good, the bad, and the ugly

In this blog, we're going to talk about all the different trends we're seeing in dating right now. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just ugly. ...

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15 ways to fix a broken relationship with your partner

Every relationship has its highs and lows. At times, disagreements can surface, causing tension between partners. But with perseverance, patience, and talking openly with each other, it's possible to mend a fractured relationship and grow closer to yo...

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Start loving yourself: 10 simple self-love practices you can start today

Cultivating a loving relationship with yourself is essential for your well-being and happiness. The practice of self-love doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. In this article, we will highlight 10 simple self-love practices that you can s...

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Gentle parenting: what parents need to know about gentle parenting

Gentle parenting is an approach to raising children that prioritizes empathy, respect, and understanding in parent-child interactions. It focuses on building a strong emotional connection between parents and their children, fostering a relationship ba...

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The art of minimalism: simplify your life

This article is about minimalism. We will look deep into its art, pros, and cons. We will also cover tips and common misconceptions. ...

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Benefits of journaling for mental health

Journaling for mental health involves regularly writing down thoughts, feelings, experiences, and reflections. It's a way to promote emotional well-being and mental resilience. In this article, we'll uncover the great benefits of journaling for mental...

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The future of artificial intelligence: ethical considerations

Artificial intelligence (AI) stands as one of the most transformative technologies of our time. It is promising to revolutionize industries, healthcare, transportation, and more. In this article, we will look at some important things to think about fo...

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7 effective study habits for academic success

In this article, we will explore some of the most effective study habits that can help you achieve success in your educational pursuits....

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The solo travel guide you need to read now

This guide is like a treasure map. It's filled with all you need to know about having a great solo adventure. We'll talk about picking your perfect destination. We'll cover packing like a pro, staying safe, and making new friends along the way. ...

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Okra water: nature’s secret for health and wellness

Enter the realm of okra water to discover nature’s health secrets. Okra stands out in health trends. Its benefits are significant. Okra started as a flowering plant and is now a nutritional powerhouse. Okra fascinates health enthusiasts and food lover...

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A traveler’s prayer: 10 prayers for finding peace and protection on the journey

A Traveler’s Prayer: A traveler’s prayer is a type of prayer that is said before or during a journey to ask for protection and guidance. Different religions and cultures have their versions of a traveler’s prayer. The ultimate purpose of these prayers...

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Meaningful travel opportunities: travel and volunteer 2024

Are you looking for meaningful travel opportunities? In 2024, volunteer organizations and agencies offer a wide range of programs tailored to different interests and...
